Before you have plans and a bid, it is often key to understand what the project will cost. Our team can evaluate costs during the design phase to develop a budget or to make sure the design meets available funds.
Construction and development budgets are often blown because someone on the design team didn’t know or understand the implications of coordination with numerous agencies. Let PCA work with your design team to evaluate agency coordination and costs.
A key component during the design of a project is to understand the cost before the project is submitted to the City. PCA will work with your design team to insure that the final design is budget friendly and can be constructed as designed.
It sounds easy. Take out a ruler and measure the plans. It isn’t. Any construction analysis requires a detailed understanding of the quantities of work contemplated by the plans. The foundation of construction analysis is accurate quantity analysis.
As leading forensic consultants, our team knows the pitfalls encountered during construction and has the experience to identify and resolve those problems before they become a problem on your job.
A successful project starts at conception. PCA is experienced working with architects and engineers to make sure they meet their obligations and develop a design that meets the client’s specifications.
With PCA’s involvement, construction projects are rapidly and skillfully transitioned from design to construction with ease.